Sunday, March 29, 2020

Benefits Of Using A Technical Tutoring Flyer

Benefits Of Using A Technical Tutoring FlyerThe most common type of flyer that your child's teacher may use is a technical tutoring flyer. This flyer is designed to allow teachers to get some quality teaching materials for a small fee, and also to make sure that teachers can get some useful teaching tools for their classroom. While this type of flyer is somewhat unusual, it is becoming increasingly popular with teachers all across the country, especially during the summer.While there are many benefits to using this flyer, there are also some drawbacks to using one of these flyers in your own classroom. Before you use one of these flyers, you should be able to understand why they are so much better than the traditional paper based or large poster flyers.There are many advantages to using a technical flyer in your classroom over traditional posters, posters on paper, and traditional flyers. This flyer is perfect for students who have reading or math problems that they need assistance w ith, because of the way the flyer is formatted.This flyer format is so organized that it can help any student to quickly and easily sort through its pages. This format of flyer will allow students to find the correct page easily so that they can work on their problems.For teachers who do not have the time to organize the information in an organized manner on a regular poster, a technical flyer will be perfect for their needs. Teachers can easily create a new flyer for each assignment and use this flyer for any number of reasons.For example, this flyer format can help you to use classroom resources like specific paper, pens, paper clips, and even stickers on this flyer. Teachers can use this flyer to help students understand the concepts behind their assignment before they ever turn in their work, without them having to spend time learning it through reading the page.This type of flyer can helpto develop students' understanding of their assignment in the form of a visual experience. When students have the ability to see the paper that they are working on, it is much easier for them to understand what they are working on, as well as to be able to sort through their papers themselves.As you can see, the flyer is perfect for getting your class to read through a page and then organize their papers so that they can see their information easily. A flyer is much more efficient than a paper or poster, and you will find that many times you will be able to get your class to read and process information on this flyer in much less time than you would use a traditional flyer.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What Kind of Job is Right for You

What Kind of Job is Right for You Image via Take a career test (or multiple) as a starting point Just as there may be multiple guides or career center counselors helping guide you into the decision on which job is right for you, there are also plenty of tests designed to help you narrow down a list of career option. Of course, this is going to be a lot different than setting up an appointment with a counselor from your campus career center and getting personalized advice solely for you, but it may be helpful to take a few career tests to help you narrow down a list of careers that you can use to find the job that is right for you. If you do decide to take multiple career tests, try identifying jobs that reoccur in every test result. Something that comes up more often can be seen as more accurate and can be something worth looking into as a career option. Career tests wont always give you the right answer or the perfect career fit, but it can help you start out by identifying specific career paths that are worth your while in a world where there a seemingly endless amount of options for you to pick from. A typical career test will ask you for your strengths, your weaknesses, your job aspirations, what you value in a career, and more. Career tests are definitely not the end game situation or will offer you up the job that is right for you on a silver platter, but it can definitely serve as an effective starting point when the options seem endless at the beginning of your job search. Identify your strengths and use them to your advantage When it comes to deciding what job is right for you, why not take advantage of the strengths and skill set you already have to help identify a job that is right for you? Something like a career test can help you identify your strengths, but you can also look to your past job experience and education to help you look for strengths that you have put to the test. Think back to a few positions you have filled out, whether it was in an extracurricular activity or a job, and recall the types of work you were expected to complete. Were there specific tasks that you excelled at over others, or skills that have been proven time and time again by different situations? Consider your communication skills. Are you often described as a people person or a team player? Are you often praised for your ability to deliver exceptional customer service skills? If so, look into careers that you can use your strengths to your advantage. Are you great in collaborative settings, or are you better off working alone? Consider your productivity levels when it comes to work environments if you are better off working alone or tend to be more self-driven, use that to your advantage when picking out which job is right for you. Here is a list of strengths that you may have and may want to consider using as the basis for your journey to find out which job is right for you: Communication skills customer service abilities, collaborative efforts. Human Resources may be the area you want to look into. Language skills if you can speak multiple languages, use it to your advantage for jobs that having fluency in multiple languages can help accelerate your career. Writing if you are known to have your way with written words, jobs that require you to write may bring you the successful future you are looking for. If youre lost on identifying your strengths, you may want to consider asking around to people who know you well friends, family, coworkers, supervisors that have gotten to know you and are able to identify your strong points. While you may not be able to recognize certain strengths on your own, those you surround yourself with may be able to do the job for you. Likewise, people that you trust and people that know you well will also be honest with you about something that you may think is your strength, but is actually not your strongest point. Infographic by Kaitlin Hurtado, via Dont rely solely on   passion, but dont rule it out completely   The phrases follow your heart or follow your dreams can often be thrown around when it comes to discussing your possible career options. It is the ideal option being able to do what you love and get paid for it when it becomes your actual career. However, we cant always realistically pick our career based on whatever you are most passionate about and the job that is right for you is not necessarily going to be based on whatever you are most passionate about. If you are thinking about narrowing down passions to consider when looking for the job that is right for you, here are some methods: Previous experience. Think of any extracurriculars or jobs that you have had over the years. Is there anyone in particular that you would be interested in building off of in order to build a full-time career? Hobbies and leisure activities. What leisure activities or hobbies do you stick to in your daily life? Building a career or finding out if you can turn your hobbies into a career is something worth looking into. What sparks your creativity? This may be the same as your hobby but think about the topics or interests that spark your creativity and productivity. What activities prompt you to be innovative and allow you to constantly challenge yourself and grow. If you can think of one, you may want to consider making a career based on it as it is something that allows you to have some drive. Passion can be a stepping stone in the journey that is singling out which job is right for you. Have a couple of causes or topics that you are really passionate about? Research what careers you can get related to that one passion. For example, if you are passionate about animals, you might not be able to just adopt every animal you can to help them out, but you can go into a career field where you can put energy and work into helping out the animals that you are passionate about. Picture yourself as a marine biologist and dedicating your career by contributing to the life of the animals that you love. Incorporating your passion into your process of picking out a job that is right for you is important, but its also important to consider other factors such as your fit for the job. Just because you are passionate about something, does not mean that you are automatically going to be the perfect fit for a certain job related to it or that the job is going to be a fit for you and your own personal needs. Consider your long term goals   Yes, change is bound to happen as time goes on, but when picking out which job is right for you, its important to consider the long term goals you have in the future. Your initial thoughts of long term goals will probably be your long term career goals, such as what company you want to work for, what position you want to reach, or general achievements you want to accomplish. These long term career goals are important, but it is also equally important to consider long term goals in other areas of your life. Do you plan on settling down into one place to create a stable life for yourself, or to stay grounded with your current support system close to what you call home? Choosing a job that allows you to stay in one place to establish a life for yourself with stability may be the perfect fit for you. Or if you want to spend your life traveling more often and having more freedom to move around as you please; this can be picking a career that allows you to travel and get paid to do so, or pick a career where you can have more control over your schedule and hours in order to travel. If you have a target salary that is high on your priorities list when it comes to the perfect job for you, you should also place importance on the type of career that would realistically give you the target salary that you are aiming for. Dont let any one specific goal be the ultimate deciding factor on choosing what job is good for you try to achieve a level of balance so that even if your goals change over time, it wont completely affect your career as your initial decisions were not relying on a single factor.  Be honest with yourself Picking out a job that is right for you starts with being honest and realistic with yourself. Sugarcoating reality will not do you any good it can actually hinder you from finding that job that is right for you. If youre looking at a certain career option and it sounds nice at the surface level, like it being a job that would make you look successful to your peers or that job just seems like a dream come true, it might not actually be the perfect fit for you when it comes down to you. Think about any one career option and focus on envisioning yourself in that career. The daily tasks, the lifestyle it will force you to take up, where the position will take you in your career and life. Can you imagine it as a possibility you want to actively seek out? Or is it something you would like for a couple of years then abandon when you realize that it doesnt make you happy? Remember that as much as you may want to start a specific career, you might not be able to be successful in it due to not have the right skill set or not being able to mesh with the lifestyle that it demands. A job that is right for you is a job that you can work successfully in and a job that will bring you the level of success you want to reach. Image via While you are trying to figure out which job is right for you, you may turn to different individuals or guides on how to find out which job is right for you, but at the end of the day, the job picked is the job you are going to have to do for yourself. Remember that your opinion, above all, is the most important when it comes to deciding what job is right for you because you know your priorities and needs better than anyone else ever will. The pressure may feel high and overwhelming at first, and you might not get the right choice at first, but just remember that every attempt and try is a learning experience and you will get to where you need to be! A mistake is just another opportunity to learn, and just another stepping stone to get you closer to finding out what job is right for you. Good luck!

Kumon Staff Pick Fever, 1793

Kumon Staff Pick Fever, 1793 Kumon Staff Pick: Fever, 1793 RRL Title: Fever, 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson Grade/Kumon Level of Book: 9-12/H 7 Why do you personally enjoy this book? Fever, 1793 is a moving work of historical fiction that, once begun, is a hard one to put down. While it is a quick read, the character development is such that readers can feel as if they are reading about actual people and events. The narrative makes it easy to imagine what it was like during this devastating time in late 18th c. Philadelphia. This novel was awarded the Scott ODell Award for Historical Fiction in 2009. Why do you think students would enjoy this book? Mattie Cook, the protagonist and narrator, takes us through the horrific effects that yellow fever had on the citizens of our nation’s capital, Philadelphia, in the summer of 1793. Students may enjoy this novel, as it is told through a series of journal-type entries made by fourteen year old Mattie Cook. Her outspoken personality and quirky imagination keep readers engaged and wanting to know what is going to happen next. When one of her friends dies from the fever, it’s only the beginning of a chain of events that tests Mattie’s moral fiber. In order to survive, she must employ the independence and fortitude gained from helping her widowed mother and paternal grandfather run their family-owned coffeehouse. Mattie is forced to grow up quickly and leave her carefree youth behind to come to the aid of her family. This is a great story for students who are interested in American history. What skills and/or values might students gain by reading this book? Reading this book gives students an insight into what it was like to live in the late 1700s. Mattie has to trust her own judgement and, at times, remind herself of the right thing to do. Perseverance, dealing with loss, and hanging on to a dream in the face of adversity are a few of the values that are evident throughout the story. Students will also learn about the invaluable importance of a strong family bond. You might also be interested in: Kumon Staff Pick: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Kumon Staff Pick: Were Going on a Bear Hunt Kumon Staff Pick: My Father’s Dragon Kumon Staff Pick: Clown by Quentin Blake Kumon Staff Pick Fever, 1793 Kumon Staff Pick: Fever, 1793 RRL Title: Fever, 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson Grade/Kumon Level of Book: 9-12/H 7 Why do you personally enjoy this book? Fever, 1793 is a moving work of historical fiction that, once begun, is a hard one to put down. While it is a quick read, the character development is such that readers can feel as if they are reading about actual people and events. The narrative makes it easy to imagine what it was like during this devastating time in late 18th c. Philadelphia. This novel was awarded the Scott ODell Award for Historical Fiction in 2009. Why do you think students would enjoy this book? Mattie Cook, the protagonist and narrator, takes us through the horrific effects that yellow fever had on the citizens of our nation’s capital, Philadelphia, in the summer of 1793. Students may enjoy this novel, as it is told through a series of journal-type entries made by fourteen year old Mattie Cook. Her outspoken personality and quirky imagination keep readers engaged and wanting to know what is going to happen next. When one of her friends dies from the fever, it’s only the beginning of a chain of events that tests Mattie’s moral fiber. In order to survive, she must employ the independence and fortitude gained from helping her widowed mother and paternal grandfather run their family-owned coffeehouse. Mattie is forced to grow up quickly and leave her carefree youth behind to come to the aid of her family. This is a great story for students who are interested in American history. What skills and/or values might students gain by reading this book? Reading this book gives students an insight into what it was like to live in the late 1700s. Mattie has to trust her own judgement and, at times, remind herself of the right thing to do. Perseverance, dealing with loss, and hanging on to a dream in the face of adversity are a few of the values that are evident throughout the story. Students will also learn about the invaluable importance of a strong family bond. You might also be interested in: Kumon Staff Pick: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Kumon Staff Pick: Were Going on a Bear Hunt Kumon Staff Pick: My Father’s Dragon Kumon Staff Pick: Clown by Quentin Blake

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The New Energy Source From Carbon Nanofibers

The New Energy Source From Carbon NanofibersA new and innovative option for students in a Chemical Engineering course is the Carbon Nanofibers, a synthetic molecule that uses nanotechnology to make polymer panels from the inside out. The innovation that they provide is a new method of fabrication and an extension of polymer science, which is able to resolve the main issue facing materials scientists of various industries, namely how to manufacture cost effective but versatile polymers using their existing synthetic materials.Carbon Nanofibers (CNF) offer many advantages over their traditional counterparts. For one, the quality is better and the overall structure is stiffer, while the functional properties are better because of the inability of the CNF molecules to easily break down. In addition, the process of fabrication is more suitable for real industrial applications.The cost of carbon nmr is also lower than traditional manufacturing processes, because the material is more flexib le. The material can be manufactured with greater density, and hence faster production. The material is also more stable in temperature and is produced more efficiently in large volume to increase the output.On the other hand, the main disadvantage of carbon nmr is that they don't have physical structure as rigid as traditional materials. These drawbacks have been overcome by the incorporation of Graphene, which is a novel one-atom thick compound of graphite and carbon. Graphene is a one-way molecular channel of carbon and oxygen that facilitates the electrochemical transfer of electrons between these two layers and thus makes it a perfect conductor of electricity and water.Carbon nmr exhibits a large range of useful properties and gives an important advantage in industrial applications that one must consider while designing structures. Other advantages of these materials include superior quality, stiffer structure, large surface area, electrical conductivity, and potential to prote ct the environment from pollution and greenhouse gases.A team of carbon nmr researchers, led by Chemical Engineering Professor Daniel L. Deolali, has just released a new type of nanocomposite polymer, which offers the best combination of performance and flexibility. However, they are still working on more advanced systems to add extra features to enhance the functionality of the material.At present, carbon nmr is the first and foremost polymer that offers a stronger material with improved quality and functionality in an inexpensive way. So, why wait?

How Does a Soft Tutor Help You Learn How to Read and Write?

How Does a Soft Tutor Help You Learn How to Read and Write?If you are a person that has trouble with learning how to read and write, you may want to consider a soft tutor. A tutor is a person who offers tutoring for kids with the help of soft toys. A lot of people would agree that learning how to read and write can be very difficult. While it is important to use your brain in reading and writing, it is also necessary to develop other skills.To get these skills, you may want to get tutoring from a tutor, whether it is in the form of book reading, watching TV or even playing video games. In fact, you may want to consider getting your tutor to help you get good grades in school. There are several benefits of getting a tutor such as; they will help you in your studies, they will help you learn at your own pace, they will make your classes easier, they will give you time to learn on your own, and they will help you to develop other skills that you may need in life.If you have a hard time learning, there are several reasons why you may want to consider getting tutoring from a tutor. Some of the reasons include; the way the teacher is teaching you, the way the classroom is set up, or the way the teacher keeps things interesting.If you have a hard time figuring out what is going on, you may want to consider a tutor. Teachers usually have a difficult time keeping their students interested in the material. It can be frustrating to sit in class and not understand what is going on. If you are having trouble understanding the material, then you will want to get a tutor to help you learn how to read and write.Learning how to read and write is a skill that is used by all professions. Not only will you need to learn this skill, but you will need to learn how to use it so that you can succeed in the future.Getting a tutor can help you learn faster. Since they have more experience with teaching, they will be able to teach you new techniques and methods that will help you improve your grades and also to make your learning fun.You can get a tutor in your local area and get tutoring at no cost. A lot of times you can find them on the internet, which is a great place to start your search for a tutor.

Learning to Read Music An Introduction for Singers

Learning to Read Music An Introduction for Singers Suzy S. Learning to read music can be a daunting task for beginner singers! Here, Ann Arbor, MI voice teacher  Elaina R. shows you how to get started Not to point out the obvious, but as singers, we don’t have keys on our instrument. We don’t have buttons that emit the same pitch every time they are pressed. Most of us don’t have perfect pitch, either. This makes learning to read music quite different for singers than for other musicians. Not only do singers deal with learning how to read what is on the page, we have to learn how each note feels in our voice. We have to learn to mentally map intervals and translate them from the page to our instruments. We have to stay in tune, even when singing a cappella (not an easy feat!). But don’t despair! Learning to read music is easy if you separate out the two basic components that make up music: rhythms and pitches. Feel the Beat Drums or clapping can keep rhythm because rhythm is independent from pitch. This is helpful, since you can practice the rhythm of a song before you sing a note simply by clapping or speaking it. If you do this work in advance, you don’t have to deal with learning the pitches and the rhythms simultaneously. Rhythm is controlled by several elements on the page: • Time Signatures: The time signature usually consists of two numbers, one stacked on top of the other, that come before the first note in a song. The one on top signifies how many beats are in a measure, while the one on the bottom signifies which note gets one beat. For example, 4/4 fits four quarter notes into each measure, 2/4 fits two quarter notes into each measure, and 2/2 fits two half notes into each measure. • Notes and Rests: Notes have different durations depending on how they look. They can look like round holes (a whole note, go figure), a filled-in note with a stem attached (a quarter note), a note connected to a bunch of other notes by a single line (an eight note), etc. Rests also have durations. Learning note and rest duration helps you with the rhythm of the music. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the different kinds of notes, rests, and time signatures, try to put it all together. Start by speaking or clapping with the time signature. For example, for a piece in 4/4, start by marking time in four (one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, etc.) Then add the notes and rests into the structure of the time signature. The Keyboard is Your Best Friend Once you’ve learned the rhythm to your song, you will need to know a little more musical theory to read the pitches. The basic gist of it is simple: the staff is made up of five lines and four spaces. Each line or space represents a specific pitch. A note placed in a particular line or space means that you have to sing that pitch. Here are some need-to-know terms for reading pitches: • Treble and Bass Clef: These determine which line and space corresponds to which note. Treble clef is generally used for higher voices, bass clef for lower voices. • Sharps and Flats: Sharps raise the notated pitch by a half step, while flats lower it by a half step. To illustrate, if there is a note on the lowest line of a treble clef staff, it is an E. Stick a sharp sign next to it and it becomes E sharp. A flat sign changes it into E flat. As I’ve already pointed out, singers are at somewhat of a disadvantage as compared to musicians with instruments that aren’t body parts. We can’t press a key and expect to hear the same note every time. Therefore, we can’t pick up a piece of music and read it perfectly without a starting pitch. This is why, for singers, the keyboard is the best tool for learning to read music. Learn your pitches at the keyboard, listening to each one and repeating it in the context of the rhythm of a song. Learning to Read, Learning to Sing Of course, it’s important to reinforce learning to read music with learning to sing it. A voice teacher can help you hit those high notes easily and comfortably, create nice phrases, and breathe in the right places. And if you get stuck trying to read the music, your voice teacher is there to help you learn the notes! Elaina R. teaches opera voice and  singing in Ann Arbor, MI, as well as through online lessons. She is currently  working on a Master of Music at the University of Michigan, and she has a B.M. from the University of Southern California.  Learn more about Elaina here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Jennifer Brandel

Algebra Equation

Algebra Equation Algebra equation is used to find the solution of algebraic equation. This tool is used to calculate the value of unknown variable by using the algebraic property, formulas and its rules. The complicated algebraic equation can be solved by this tool in a very less time. So this tool increases the speed of solving the equations.It can be explained and understood by taking the suitable problem and solving such to get the result. The similar relevant problems are shown below for the better understanding of the concepts of the algebraic equation. Example 1:- Find x if (x+24)/2=20 Solution:-First of all we will solve the equation by the use of cross multiplication. (x+24)/2=20 X+24=40 Now to solve this equation, we need to subtract 24 from both side of the equation, we will get, X+24-24=40-24 Therefore, X=16 is the required solution of the problem. Example2:- Find x if (x+3)/2=4/3 Solution:- First of all we will solve the equation by the use of cross multiplication, we will get (x+3)/2=4/3 3x + 9 =8 Now to solve this equation further that is finding the value of x , we need to subtract 9 from both side of the equation ,we will get. 3x+9 -9 =8 -9 Therefore, 3x = -1 Finally to get the value of unknown variable x, we need to divide the above equation by 3 both sides Therefore, 3x/3 = -1/3 So x = -1/3 In this problem, x = -1/3 is the solution of the equation (x+3)/2=4/3

Why You Should Take a Creative Writing Course.

Why You Should Take a Creative Writing Course. All the Information You Need on Creative Writing Courses. ChaptersWhat is Creative Writing?The Best Creative Writing Courses in the UK.Tips to Improve Your Creative Writing Skills.The Main Features of Creative Writing â€" that Every Creative Writer Needs to Nail.Some Jobs You Can Do after a Creative Writing Degree.Creative writing classes have been popping up all over the country in the last decade or so â€" from poetry writing workshops to creative writing degree programs, from writing retreats to weekly screenwriting sessions.They come in all sorts of different forms, but the most novel â€" if you’ll excuse the pun â€" is the degree. That’s three years, for an undergraduate degree, spent learning how to hone your writing skills â€" and the same if you want to do PhD.But with this growth in the creative writing education industry, there have sat up the inevitable crowds of nay-sayers. Or haters, as we might call them these days. You can’t teach creative writing, they say. It’s not a real degree, they say.All of this honestly became quite boring before it had even begun. Because, as we’ll show below, there are very legitimate reasons why creative writing should be taught â€" and why creative writers can really benefit from dedicated teaching. Not to mention the dedicated time to practise that creative writing courses offer.Here, we’re going to look at everything you need to know about joining a creative writing program â€" from what creative writing actually is to the employment prospects you can anticipate afterwards.Creative writing is a wonderful discipline â€" so let’s take a look! CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusi c reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat is Creative Writing?So, what do we actually mean by creative writing? Our guess is that you’ll have a sense of this already.Generally, ‘creative’ writing is defined in opposition to those types of writing that aren’t thought to be creative. Journalism or technical writing, or the work of a copywriter, these are all considered insufficiently creative to be creative writing. Even academic writing is excluded from this definition.Unfortunately, this doesn’t really follow any meaning of creativity that we might hold. And, as a consequence, ‘creative writing’ appears to have something of a silly name.Writing Differs by Purpose.What really distinguishes the novelist from the copywriter is not how creative they are, but rather what they do with language. Writing fiction is, of course, different to writing marketing copy, but in different ways.Texts differ in terms of purpose: journalism informs and copywriting persuades. ‘Creative writing’ meanwhile entertains and doesn’t, really, do anything. This i s one of the fundamental ideas in poetics and theory: literature just sort of is. Creative writing is about reading too.The Types of ‘Creative’ Writing.A different way of defining creative writing is to look at the forms that are generally considered to be creative. These are, fundamentally, literary forms.Fiction. Fiction, including short fiction, is creative writing in continuous prose. It usually follows a narrative and includes some sort of character development.Poetry. Poetry is a form that is written in deliberate lines and is notable for its ambiguity and density of language. In can be performed or read on the page.Drama. Playwriting, scriptwriting, or dramatic writing is writing for performance on a stage. Dialogue is a crucial aspect of this form.Screenwriting. As opposed to the stage, a screenwriter writes for television or film.Creative Nonfiction. Distinguished from its fictional sibling, creative non-fiction is prose that takes reality as its subject. This can include personal essays, memoir writing, and other forms.Can Creative Writing be Taught? Of course, it can. Like all artistic disciplines, creative writing requires skill, specific writing techniques, and practise. In all of these things teaching can be helpful.You can see more on this in our article, What is Creative Writing?The Best Creative Writing Courses in the UK.There are lots of different opportunities for people wishing to study creative writing in any possible form â€" whether at university or more casually. The way that you choose will depend on the particular style of learning that you desire.Here we’ll look at three popular options: creative writing programs at university, the casual writing workshop, and the writing retreat. You can find out more about all of these options in our article, The Best Writing Courses in the UK.Studying Creative Writing at University.Taking a creative writing program at university is one of the most serious ways to study the discipline. Usually, you can expect to spend three years studying the subject at degree level, a year for a creative writing MA, and a further three years for a PhD.Whilst at a postgraduate level you can dedicate yourself fulltime to your creative process, during an undergraduate course you will most likely be dividing your time between your writing and the study of another subject â€" usually cinema, English literature, or fine art. Check out creative writing courses!Taking a Short Course in Creative Writing.You don’t need to go to university to have a bit of creative writing tuition, however. There are classes available in most major cities where you can work with a professional writer to hone the skills you need to polish off your first novel or start getting published.Whilst London’s Faber Academy is a great place to go for that, you can also try Superprof for a private creative writing tutor.  Heading Off for a Writing Retreat.Finally, then, there is the third format: the creative writing retreat. These are where companies organise for you to go off into the countryside to work on your writing.They are a great opportunity for anyone looking for some peace and quiet â€" and a bit of friendly guidance. 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And whilst many will try to develop the minutiae of your style and encourage you to find new stores of energy to finish your work, it’s important to think about the big things that creative writing requires too.Here are three lessons to keep you on the right track in your writing. You can find more in our article, Top Tips to Improve Your Creative Writing Skills.#1 Find Inspiration Everywhere.A creative writer should be interested in the world around them â€" and in the literary works of others. As they said of the Ivan Turgenev, the Russian novelist from the nineteenth century, he was ‘a born spectator’ â€" and he turned his spectating into art.Do the sam e. Because your inspiration comes from what’s outside your head.#2 Keep Experimenting.Don’t get hooked on a style too soon. There’s an infinite variety of different ways that you can write. So, keep experimenting â€" and keep challenging yourself â€" until you have perfected your own style.#3 Cut When Necessary.The process of writing doesn’t stop when you reach the end of the last line. Really, it continues into the process of editing too (which is just writing by a different name).Effective editing can turn a decent book into a masterpiece â€" so never shirk from cutting. Want to write a novel? Try a creative writing course.The Main Features of Creative Writing â€" that Every Creative Writer Needs to Nail.There are many aspects to creative writing â€" and not all of them are hugely creative. But these differ quite significantly from form to form, from genre to genre: what features in a poem is not really the same as that which you’ll see in a novel â€" by no means.But creative writers need to nail all of the important elements in the particular terrain on which they are working. To see more on this, check out our article, What are the Main Elements of Creative Writing?The Central Elements of Poetry.What makes poetry poetry? What really are its essential features? Well, honestly, it depends who you ask â€" but there are some that most people are probably agreed on.Metre: Metre refers to the length and rhythm of each line of poetry, how quickly it seeks to be read, how each word sounds and feels alongside the others.Form / Structure: The form of the p oem is what the poem is. Are we talking a sonnet or an ode? These forms shape the whole nature of the poem.Some Jobs You Can Do after a Creative Writing Degree.We’re guessing that the lot of you will be hoping to go into the literary industry after you have completed a course in creative writing: you’ll be hoping to write professionally, get published, and hopefully make a name for yourself. Good on you!If this is not your thing, however, there are plenty of other options that you can go for with a creative writing degree.These include teaching, working in a library or in a publishing house, or becoming a different sort of writer. You could become a copywriter, for example, or a journalist or literary critic!Find out more about possible jobs after a creative writing degree!

The Beginners Guide to Starting Cross-Training

The Beginners Guide to Starting Cross-Training How Can You Prepare for Intense Physical Exertion? ChaptersThe Necessary Equipment for Cross TrainingA Cross Training Session for the First WeekA Cross Training Session for the Second WeekA Cross Training Session for the Third WeekA Cross Training Session for the Fourth WeekBeyond the First Four WeeksA Word on Nutrition“Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.” - Mark TwainOf all the sporting activities in the world, cross training, sometimes wrongly referred to as CrossFit, is one of the most complete workouts you can do.In this article, we are going to have a look at the key exercises of cross training, the non-branded version of CrossFit, the equipment you'll need for it, and some sample sessions that you could do.yes, there is a difference!Others who have started working out for a short-term goal such as losing weight or because of a health scare soon abandon their resolution because getting fit was not their overall goal.Still others are tempted by their lifestyle: a night out with friends, the call for overtime at work, the impatience with repetition... there are also those who rapidly get bored and those who have no clear direction in their fitness plan.If you have stuck with your workout for four weeks, you are to be congratulated: a large percentage of fitness hopefuls don’t make it even this far into their lifestyle change!So, now that you are well on your way to becoming a lean machine, what should you do next?  That’s what we now take a look at.Workout StrategiesEven if you are burning with passion for your personal fitness, you are not immune to feeling the crush of repetition. In other words, you are at risk for boredom - not through any fault of your own, you can rest assured on that.As you well know, physical exercise releases endorphins in the brain that makes us feel so good! In part, that is what keeps people working out in the early stages of establishing a regimen.However, your body soon hits a balance: the amount of those feel-good chemicals in our brains is evened out so that we don’t quite get the rush that we experienced when we first started our routine.Also, after the initial ‘water loss’, that period early in one’s regimen when those who exercise are bound to see inches and possibly weight melt away, your body’s metabolism adjusts to its new level of activity and those losses taper down to about a pound or two per week.Note: losing a pound or two per week is a healthy amount; any more than that would be a cause for concern.You can see why some would quit exercising, don’t you?Increasing your reps and adding resistance to your workout does not make for a brighter burn; in fact, dramatic increases could actually damage your muscles and connective tissues!That is why experts recommend diversifying your workout.Once you have your body conditioned to working out through the outlined routines above, it is time to take your physical training to a new level.Cycling, whet her indoors or out, is excellent aerobic exercise! Source: Pixabay Credit: 12019The Aerobic WorkoutWhile it is true that any workout will work your heart to a certain extent, activities specifically designed to speed up your heart rate with get your body’s most important muscle in optimal shape.You may consider adding an aerobic class such as Zumba or step aerobics to your fitness repertoire.If you have no time for an extra session at the gym for such a class â€" or, now that warmer weather is here, you wish to take your workout out of doors, you might like to walk, jog, run or dance your way into heart health.You might even consider cycling to work and back!To avoid the issue that plagues every workout, namely burnout, try to switch your activities up. You might go biking one day, dance the next, and try out Nordic walking before the week is up.Note: swimming is also a great workout for your heart and it comes with the added benefit of being no-impact, meaning your joints won’t suffer while you work your muscles!StretchingWhile building endurance and gaining muscle tone are important to weight loss and fitness goals, equally important is flexibility.If you lack the range of motion necessary to perform such manoeuvres as a squat, plié or even a sit-up, you may injure yourself rather than help yourself get fit.It is therefore vital to warm up before any workout. Such a warm-up should include stretching.Even before you engage in the jumping jacks or deadlifts mentioned above, make sure your joints and muscles are properly conditioned by stretching them before you get started.A good stretching routine may include:Arm lifts: feet shoulder-wide apart, raise your arms above your head while inhaling. Hold for a slow count of five; exhale on the release. Repeat 10-20 timesSpinal stretch: with feet planted, lace your fingers behind your head; elbows out. Gently turn from side to side for a count of 10 per side.Alternately, you may place your hands on your hips wit h your knees slightly bent. Pitch forward while releasing your arms, allowing them to hang down. Pull yourself back up to standing position; repeat 10-20 times.Leg stretches: these warm-ups may include hurdler’s stretches, leg lifts and calf muscle stretches.Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips. Raise yourself on your tip-toes, release. Repeat 10-20 times.Another great way to work on your flexibility is through yoga.You may enjoy a particularly vigorous Bikram yoga workout, opt for a more relaxing Hatha regimen or sweat it out in a hot yoga session.Whichever type of flexibility training you choose, make sure that it becomes an integral part of your workout!A Word on NutritionYou have revolutionised your entire life: working out is a vital part of your lifestyle and your health â€" perhaps an area of concern before your turnaround, is now better than it’s ever been.As your body becomes leaner and burns more efficiently, the next step in your fitness crusade is to c onsider and, if needed, change your nutritional intake.Obviously, you will not have the same nutritional needs as when you started your fitness regimen; in fact, you may need to eat more in order to maintain your target weight and muscle mass.Furthermore, depending on what your fitness goals are, you may need to adopt one or another food plan.The essential guidelines for Crossfit are 40% carb intake, 30% protein and 30% fat.You may have heard of The Zone diet or the Paleo diet; both of those plans approximately reflect the recommended diet for those who are intent on optimal fitness.The key to these nutrition plans’ success is avoiding processed foods and high-glycemic carbohydrates.You might wonder about the 30% fat. Isn’t fat touted as bad for you?Indeed, certain fats are bad for you and counterproductive to your fitness goals. However, not all fats are bad fats; in fact, we need fats to keep our bodies functioning properly.The fats you should incorporate into your diet come f rom oily fish, coconuts, olive oil and avocadoes, just to name a few sources.Crossfit, Nutrition and Weight LossLet us say you have decided on a Crossfit plan to lose weight and get in shape. Obviously, by this regimen’s very nature, you will lose a certain amount of weight but, here again, it all comes down to what you eat.The simplest weight loss solution is to take in fewer calories than you expend.  That simplistic assertion is rooted fact but omits one critical aspect: what kind of calories are you taking in?Not all calories are the same, nor do they burn in the same way.Protein, for example, increases how much energy your body uses to break it down and absorb it. By contrast, it takes only a little energy for your body to crack open and absorb carbohydrates.So, if you eat the equivalent of 100 grams of protein, you will have consumed around 75 net calories  that will need to be burned off.Eating 100 hundred grams of carbs, on the other hand, results in about 94 net calories  to burn off.Applying the philosophy above - take in fewer calorie to lose weight, can you see where it is more difficult to burn carbs than protein?  If your short-term workout goal is to lose weight, you may consider shifting the 40/30/30 guidelines mentioned above into higher protein and fats intake while lowering your carbs.Eating more protein will help you feel fuller for longer, causing you to not feel hungry as quickly and to reduce your overall food intake at mealtimes.Please note that this is not a permanent arrangement! As soon as you’ve hit your stride in weight loss, you should revert to the more healthy balance of protein, carb and fat intake.Crossfit, Nutrition and Muscle MassIf you are interested in gaining muscle mass, here too your food intake will play a large part in your success in achieving your goals.By dialling back on your fats intake and increasing protein and carbs proportionately, you will soon see gains in your musculature.Bear in mind that this too sho uld not be a permanent condition.After years of touting low-fat diets as healthy, both medical and fitness experts stress that a certain level of ‘good’ fats intake is necessary for optimal health.In fact, low-fat diets have been proven to reduce testosterone in males which could lead to muscular atrophy â€" the exact opposite of the condition you are working towards.So, once you’ve kick-started your performance, you should go back to the optimal 40/30/30 ratio mentioned above.This short guide is by no means a complete digest of everything you need to know. For more information about CrossFit and cross training, don't hesitate to get advice from some of the coaches or tutors on Superprof.